Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pajama Mama (or the day my minty green wonders died a painful death)

So these are my favorite pair of pajama pants.... that are hiding a dirty little secret....

A very big, no longer ignorable hole.

Come on people, everybody has a favorite clothing item. One that has been around so long that it's almost become like a body part to you. Sure it's gross, holey, probably bleached or stained beyond reason. But for some reason, you simply cannot part with it. That is me and this pair of pajamas.

I've had them for, well a pretty long time. My trusted friend during many a hospital stay, and even an occasional trip to the grocery store (yes, I am one of THOSE people), these pajama pants are the most comfortable pair of pants I own, and as you can see, the most well-worn pair.

Now, up until recently I haven't really noticed or minded the absolutely GIANT hole in the back of them, or what I like to call my little air conditioning unit. But it has been brought to my attention now all summer that they need to be thrown out. Ofcourse, when this was mentioned I panicked! Thrown out? I mean sure I don't have to wear them but thrown out? How could I do that to them? Clearly I had formed an unhealthy attachment to them.

So I made a deal with my husband: "If you can find me an affordable, alternative pair of pajamas that are just as comfortable and just as cute, I will let you do what you want to my minty green go-to pair."

So last week I found a really great sale on very comfortable pajamas and bought 2 pairs. It was a bittersweet moment for me knowing that bringing these home would almost certainly send my minty-greens to pajama heaven, but I persisted and as promised, when I came home I let Tim ceremoniously do what he willed with the old ones. This was the result:

I think he had a little too much fun with it. I silently said a small prayer for them while he escorted them to the trash.


Dave said...

Ha ... nice jammies, Erin. I don't recall if you ever wore them on your visits to our house. If you did, I certainly don't remember the nifty air conditioning :-)

Personally, I don't have any piece of clothing that I'm attached to (Debbie may disagree, but I don't know). I'm a big fan of my two Halo shirts, but they aren't full of holes yet so I'm okay.

BTW - Mary Chapin Carpenter has a song called "This Shirt" that talks about having a piece of clothing that's been around a long time and been through a lot. I really like it. If you haven't heard it, check it out. Or let me know and I'll send it to you.

Jenny said...

Ha ha ha!!!!! LOVE the pictures that go along with your story. So now I need a pic of these comfy NEW jammie pants.
And yes, I own several "favorites" that have been with me for as long as I can remember.