Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ode to a dirty floor

This is what my floor looks like on most days. This is what it looks like AFTER I've vaccummed it. It is why I don't have people over, it is why I feel like a failure. Because this floor never stays clean. I walk all day in filth and I feel like there really isn't anything I can do about it. It's nasty, it's's my life.


barefootmeg said...

Hi Erin,

I just came across your blog recently and saw this post. I thought i'd send a little encouragement your way.

I have three kids (one that's almost 13 and two that are 11). Though I've had people over to our house several times in the last decade, it's always a huge ordeal getting things straightened up to the point where the house is just "a mess" rather than "a level 10 disaster zone." Though I can get the kids to help clean now and then, it's been pretty much to a kids' level of cleanliness, which isn't always saying much.

But just about 2 or 3 months ago my almost-teen suddenly decided that he wanted to live in a clean house. Instead of me constantly having to clean up after him, he's started to take a more willing and helpful attitude toward doing his part. I'm guessing it's a growing up/maturity thing. "Mom and Papa's house" has suddenly become "my house, too." He realizes that his friends see his house as a reflection of him. All my explaining and complaining and proselytizing in the ways of house cleaning have meant nothing compared to the sudden realization that the state of our house reflects upon him too.

I love the picture of your floor. I've not only been there, but after one of the girls' art project times, we're still there. But it does get better. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. ;-)

Sarah May said...

Erin, I take solace in the fact that there is another family that walks on top of crumbs. This never ending war against the dirty floor has cost me two vacuum cleaners...

You are not alone... I wish you luck against the crumbs!

Dave said...

Hey, no big deal, Erin. Soon enough you'll be able to keep those floors as clean as you want. Of course by that time your kids will likely have moved out :-) It comes with the territory, you know?

So is this why we haven't been over lately? :-)

Wait, I have an idea. Why don't you let Norman and Milkdud come over for a visit. I guarantee you that they will clean up most of your floor in no time ... Just a thought. And you'd be welcome to keep them for as long as you like :-)