Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer book recommendation #1

Need an intrigueing new book to read? Might I recommend a new sparkly gem?

Now I am not one for zombies. I avoid all zombie movies, and anything really related to the genre. But this book sounded so intrigueing, I just couldn't avoid it. It's a short read, but a good one.
Synopsis: A young woman lives in a small village AFTER the "return" a.k.a. the zombie war that pretty much wiped out the world. It's a village shrouded in mystery, and surrounded by a very high fence that "The unconsecrated" (or the zombies) constantly attack in order to get to them.
Think the The Village meets 28 days later. It's a great read and definitely worth your time.


Sarah May said...

I am not much of a Zombie fan either... However, I did very much like the Pride Prejudice and Zombie book! I will have to check this one out after I finish my current read :)

LOVE the Swagger Wagon deal up there! It made me laugh!!! You guys are cute!

the princess said...

omg, your new page design is hilarious. yeah, this book sounds kind of fun, i think i will give it a try :)