Sunday, June 27, 2010

Surrendering my cool factor

I cannot tell you how many times in my life that I have sworn never to own a minivan. Though I knew there was always the possibility that it COULD happen, the probability of it happening, at least I thought, was slim. I really would not have thought that it would be so soon. That at the tender age of 28 I would be a card-carrying member of the minivan club.
But here I sit, in my 7 passenger van. And though I know I have officially become "uncool" (frankly I have given up trying), there is a sweetness in the sounds of my children happy in the backseat. In knowing that there is enough room for all their toys, and sippie cups, and pillow and blankets. And that there is a whole other backseat for that new bundle of joy that is coming ever-so-soon. Yes, there is a peace in surrendering to the ranks of uncool. Because my kids are worth it.
So today I say goodbye to parking in compact spaces, to making sharp turns effectively, and to looking like anything but a mom. BUT, I'm still blasting my Jimmy Eat World as loud as it goes!


Sarah May said...
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Sarah May said...

Though I see the practicality of the minivan, I am terrified at the thought of owning one! I see it as something that is somewhat inevitable... like a reality just around the corner...

Jenny said...

Welcome to the club Erin! And you look cooler than ever!

Tracey Jacobsen said...

so exciting! (and I say comfort is WAY more important than coolness... or coolness as in 'I have the a/c cranking') Yea! enjoy Mama!