Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Facebook Pet Peeve #1

I am sorry if this offends some of my mommy friends out there, but I need to get this off of my chest. Things that are acceptable status updates about your kids: The funny thing they said today, what you're doing with them this weekend, something they just did that cracks you up.

Thing that is NOT acceptable to post on your status update:

How many times your kid pooped in the potty today. I do NOT want to know what color it was, nor do I want to know about it's consistency or frequency. While I believe that potty training is a very big challenge, I am not interested in hearing about your child's feces. It's gross.

There are some things that are just too much information.

And that is my facebook pet peeve for today.


Sarah May said...

THAT is SO funny! It annoys me as well...lol!

When I worked at West Redding Preschool, I had to document every time I changed a diaper... pee or poo... and what kind of poo it was... lame...

Dave said...

Fortunately, given my current set of "friends", I don't have to deal with this. Or at least I haven't so far. Let's hope the future doesn't change that.

Now, my facebook pet peeve #1 - people who use their facebook status messages to gripe, moan, and complain about how bad their day has been, or they have a headache, or didn't get much sleep, ad nauseum. Puh-lease people ...

Amy said...

Haha, I totally agree!

Jenny said...

Yep. Agreed.
I think it goes hand in hand with the other breed of annoying face-bookers who post every single minute of their day on there. It's funny that it's usually the people complaining that they are the busiest that have the time to change their status every time they eat a bagel or buy toilet paper.