Friday, June 25, 2010

A total Eclipse of the heart

Has anyone ELSE noticed that the countdown clock to Eclipse is at a dangerously low 5 days? That's right friends, looks like an Eclipse sighting is eminent, which can only mean a blog about said sighting.

Eclipse is my second favorite book in the series (second only to Breaking Dawn). So I am really interested in seeing how well they do in sticking to the original story. Of course, Eclipse has the most action in it, so I am hoping that will draw my husband into seeing it. I have a plan on how to drag him there.

Me: "Honey, do you want to see an action movie with a giant vampire army attacking a group of vampires and werewolves?"

Him: "YEAH! SURE!"

Me: "Oh good, take me to Eclipse."

I guess I'll just have to rub my "Team Edward" keychain until the 5 days is up. It's been proven to work.

No, I wasn't kidding about the keychain.

1 comment:

the princess said...

i love that key chain :) i totally have a 'team edward' sweatshirt that i wear on a regular basis.