Monday, June 14, 2010

A day of rest and reflection

There is something to be said for rest and relaxation. It's been a really long and daunting couple of weeks, so my sweet husband took me on a weekend getaway to the coast for a break and to celebrate our anniversary.

I can't tell you how awesome it was to wake up each morning, when I felt like it, and to not have to change diapers, or make breakfast for an army or try to entertain 2 small little boys. Instead it was just me, and my man spending the whole weekend sitting on our deck, reading books and listening to the soothing sounds of the surf.

It does wonders for your marriage when you can have adult conversations without being constantly interrupted, when you can kiss without being tackled by little hands, and when you can just sit quietly and not say anything while you hold eachother close.

Every year on our anniversary, we look back on our marriage. The good, the bad, the difficult and reflect on what we've gone through and how grateful we are for each other. I know the day I walked down the aisle and said my vows I loved him. I know when we kissed and they pronounced us man and wife I adored him. But as I sat next to him in an old ship-themed cafe on the docks, watching him eat I knew I loved him more.

I loved him more when he would go out on late-night ice cream runs for me and my crazy pregnancy cravings. I loved him more when he held my hand through each contraction I had. I loved him more when he drove 3000 miles in a truck by himself and set up a home for me and my baby to come to. And I really loved him more the day he laid in a hospital bed with my sweet little 2 year old and sang him songs and read him books until he fell asleep. He is my rock, and we have weathered storms that most people would not have made it through. I love him ever so much more than the day I put on a white dress and said forever to what lies ahead.


Tracey Jacobsen said...

that was beautifully said Erin.

I'm so glad you got this weekend too.

I'm praying Jay and I can have one for our anniversary.

Jenny said...

Sleeping in, no diapers and the beach sound like heaven to me...
What a perfect anniversary!