Friday, June 18, 2010

Saying Goodbye to an old friend

Sometimes in life you just have to grow up. Today was one of those days.

This is my car. It's been my car since my daddy bought it for me when I was a junior in college. He said it was for all the years I babysat my brother and sister for free, but really I think it was just his way of protecting me, his little girl, by giving me one last reliable car before he moved 3000 miles away from me.

It's seen me through a lot. The night I got engaged, I sat in it and talked to Tim for hours about our wedding. The day we got back from our honeymoon, we drove home in it talking all about the new life we would start. It was with us when we moved acrossed the country, and I got lost in L.A. It safely took me to 2 different hospitals during 2 different labors. I brought 2 babies home in this car.

Even though it doesn't work, and hasn't for sometime, it still represented something to me. And today as we said goodbye to it, I found myself overwhelmed with emotion. Because though it saw me through all those times, it really just made me think of my dad and it felt like I was saying goodbye to him instead of a silly car.

I miss my dad today, and if I'm being honest....everyday.


Tracey Jacobsen said...

time for Daddy to make a visit!

(I was a little emotional when I got rid of my first car just felt strange to leave it)

Jenny said...

Sorry Erin :( I'm the same way- I have a hard time parting with anything that reminds me of all those great memories...
now what's this I hear about a minivan?