We ran out of diapers this morning, so this afternoon I reluctantly took both children to Target. Now under normal circumstances, they aren't usually a problem, but today I happened to go right smack dab in the middle of naptime. Yeah, bad idea.
So there I am crawling around Target with a screaming baby in one arm, tugging a tantruming 2-year-old with the other arm, and trying to push the cart with my stomach muscles. I think there should be an ironman for this sort of thing because it takes real physical endurance.
I am taking this Love and Logic Parenting class where I am supposed to enforce consequences on my children when they misbehave. Unfortunately, they decided to do it in the middle of the toilet paper aisle. So there I was counting to 3 and I realized I had to enforce that discipline. So I plopped him on top of some Charmin ultra and told him he was in time out. It was quite effective actually because while I was maneuvering around the crowd that was now forming in the toilet paper aisle all staring at me disciplining my son, Elijah thought I was leaving him. And he promptly stopped screaming and gave me a big toothy grin. YES! Crisis averted. Though the stares from people did not stop.
Of course, Noah is not quite as easy to discipline, being 8 months old and all. And I managed to have all of Target in an uproar whilst waiting to check out. So if you were at Target this afternoon and heard a lot of temper tantrums and screaming- sorry that was me... or rather my children.
1 comment:
We just did a timeout on the sidewalk on our way walking to the park. You do what you got to do-it makes all the difference latter.
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