Monday, January 18, 2010

My Resolution: Part One

So, it's been a bit since New Year's, but my resolution was so complex it took some organization. So here I am, 2 weeks later blogging about it.

A major thing I hate about myself is my lack of motivation in the kitchen. I have never been that great of a cook, and was not cooked for growing up. So I am always stumped in the kitchen and usually just give up. This year, I decided that my New Year's Resolution would be to become a better cook. And in essence, a better wife and mother.

In becoming a better cook, there were a few things that I had to change, or rather that I am still working on changing. The first thing I had to change, and the subject of my blog today is where I grocery shop. Now if you know me well, you will know that I am a frugal lady. Any way to stretch a dollar. With Noah eating solids, our food bill has gone up and we have really had to pinch pennies. Which has forced me to be a Winco girl. Unfortunately, quality food is not their motto. So I have decided to challenge myself to be a coupon clipper. And to shop at Safeway.

Cool thing a friend taught me about Safeway. You can go online and type in your zipcode which will give you all the weekly specials in your area, and also the coupons. You can actually load it onto your Safeway club card so that when you go shopping, all you have to do is scan your card through. You don't have to go through the hassle of actually cutting out the ads. Virtual coupon clipping is AMAZING!

So to begin step one of a 3 step process of becoming a better cook, I took the plunge yesterday and started shopping at Safeway.We loaded the cart with things that I had deligently searched through coupons for and then we went with what the weekly specials were. I was impressed with how well we did. Of course, for the box things we still ended up at Winco, which made for a REALLY LONG day with 2 toddlers. But I kept telling myself it was worth it. And I really hope it is.

Today I impliment Step 2 of my 3 step plan. I'll blog on that tomorrow.


Tracey Jacobsen said...

This is totally worth it.

Mommies, hubbies, and kiddos all need yummy home-cooked food as part of their legacy.

I think I should come to your house, and cook up a few simple things to show you how attainable it really can be.

imaya said...

Good for you!
I deleted the cooking blog but can email you the recipes if you want.

We do 85% of our grocery shopping at Trader Joe's, didn't Redding just get one? They are actually, on the whole, cheaper than Safeway, especially if you are looking at eating whole foods (not processed). Even better they don't put additives or artificial colors or the evil high fructose corn syrup in their stuff. And NONE of their dairy uses hormones or drugs. Trader Joe's prices are really great.

I love healthy eating, so let me know if you want any help at all in meal planning or grocery suggestions.

You will be so happy once you get in the groove.