Saturday, November 28, 2009


There's an old saying, "Friends are the family you choose for yourself." And this Thanksgiving, I got to spend it with that family.

We spent some time at my sister-in-law's house in Sacramento. I love her kids, I love their company, I love that I can lay on their floor in my pajamas and just laugh with them. My sister-in-law is part friend, part sister. And I love that about her. They really made the day feel special, and full of laughter.

Elijah loves his cousins. They are his good friends. They understand his space issues, and his sensitivity to things. They always have big hugs for him and spend most of the day running around with him. I love that they are so close. I was close like that with my cousins and always wanted that for him. Of course, they all fought over who got to hold Baby Noah. Savannah shouted "I want to hold it!"

Then we got to spend the next day with our friends Chad & Ruth. They're the kind of friends that are more like family. They've known Tim since he was young, and we have been there throughout our relationship. I love that we can go for months and even years without talking too much and then can spend Thanksgiving together like old friends. They're going to be parents and we are thrilled for the newest little Kmiecik to join the team.

Overall, it was a Thanksgiving to remember. Full of fun, and laughs, and really good turkey.

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