Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A New Moon Encounter

By now, you will have noticed that the countdown to New Moon Clock is chiming a big fat zero. The movie I have been holding my breath to watch for months now, has finally come. And somehow in it's premiere weekend I ended up watching it 3 times.

Now before you go jumping to conclusions that I am an obsessed fan (alright maybe I am) I need to defend myself. I had planned on going to New Moon twice. But at the very last minute, Megan Edwardson ended up having her baby (thank you by the way Megan) and I ended up inheriting her ticket to the midnight showing (the showing that has been sold out for weeks). Though it got over at 2:30am and I dragged myself home only to have to stay up with my baby most of the night, I would have done it again in a heartbeat. And, I did.

Sunday night I dragged my reluctant-but-willing husband to see it, and the Pagans came along for the ride. The group I was in was skeptical but it ended up winning them over in the end. Was there ever any doubt? They were good sports and indulged me.

Monday night was guilty-pleasure night with my best friend and my sis-in-law as I saw it for a 3rd and final time. All of us Twi-hards (did I just use that word?), we were giddy and excited for the premiere. And, ofcourse, excited to watch it together. I found myself getting a little sad that this would be the last time I would see it for a while.

Really? Was it THAT good? Ummm...yes totally! The soundtrack was amazing. I still have most of the songs buzzing around in my head. You can be sure the CD is on my christmas list this year!

The movie iteself was sooooo much better than Twilight. I was not a fan of the first movie at all, the cheesy music, the in-attention to the book, the really bad wire effects. But this movie restored my faith in the Twilight saga. The effects were better, the coloring and lighting was better, the character development and on-screen chemistry was better. A lot of critics have mostly criticized the story itself, but I thought they stayed amazingly close to the book, which is the whole point isn't it?

It was incredible, all 3 times I loved it! I am so owning this movie. But I find myself wondering what to countdown to? The Eclipse countdown begins!!


Tracey Jacobsen said...

You know, your eyes look a little sleepy in that lost photo! :) I'm glad you had fun lady! I haven't seen it yet, but am looking forward to it. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you used "Twi-hard" :-)Right or not, it was fun!

Mary Costa-Pearson said...

i love that you love twilight as much as I do, and if I bring it up at our mops table to don't look at me like im crazy for liking it!