Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What's Happening at the baby farm: September 2009

I can't seem to get enough kisses. I kiss those puffy cheeks all day long. Cause I know one day when I go to kiss those puffy cheeks, I'll get a "Moooooom, puhlease!" . I feel the time slipping by me already.
Never have I seen a child so willing to take baths. He could be screaming bloody murder; put him in a bath and he's content. Lately, he's been checking himself out. It's okay to be vain when you're 3 months old I think. Especially when you're that cute.

Sometimes this 2 kid business can be tricky, particularily when you want to get ANYTHING done. So lately I've been taking the opportunity to multi-task. Noah is a fan of the vaccuum...Eli (not pictured) is NOT.

I can never seem to take a good picture of the two of them. I am thinking this will be a reccurring theme in my life. Lots of movement, lots of whining, lots of "Mooooom Puhlease!" es.

So here they are, in all their adorable splendor.
Elijah 2 years
Noah 3 months


the Wildauers said...

They are cuties!! Looks like you're doing a GREAT job! Continue pouring out that love on them- (even after they start pushing you away!!).

Amy said...

They are so cute! I had to laugh about the vacuum thing, Halie also does not like the vacuum at all! I have to hold her while I vacuum. She just recently started being afraid of it, so maybe it's a 2 year old thing. :)

You're doing a great job!