Sunday, August 2, 2009

Crazy Amazing

God is crazy amazing. I say this because I know that he has and will meet our needs.

It seems like over the last few months, our needs have increased exponentially. Our hospital bill was unreal, but an expected amount of money that we stepped out in faith about, hoping he would supply the money for it.

What came as a surprise was the cost for Noah's hospital stay. Because he was in the NICU for several days, he wracked up quite a bill; a bill we had no idea we would have to pay. My eyes bulge out of my head everytime I even walk by the hospital bills. But somehow, I trust that God is going to take care of this. He knew these costs would come.

When I was in college, I got a nice 4 door Saturn with decent miles on it. It has lasted through many cross country treks and 2 kids. But now, with high mileage, no air conditioning, and barely enough room for 2 carseats.... it is dying. There is NO WAY on God's green earth that we can afford to buy a new car. Or even make decent payments on it. But somehow, I trust that God is going to take care of this. He knew this day would come.

I am writing this blog to keep an accurate record of our lives, and God's goodness in them. I don't know what the future holds, but what I do know is that someday in the near future, I will be able to write a blog that says "God paid our hospital bills and gave us a new car!"

Just you wait, My God is good and He will take most excellent care of us.
He is Crazy Amazing!


Jamie said...

Make sure that you apply for the financial help through Mercy it is awesome. I had insurance and my bills were crazy both times. I filled it out and prayed over the letters each time. Both times they paid off the whole amount!

Unknown said...

Thank you Jamie, I had no idea such a program existed.

Cait said...

I truly hope that this works out for you. God is amazing; he will help you through this. I hope your son Noah continues to grow well. My son Andrew was in the NICU for over 2 weeks this spring; it's hard, I know. I'm praying for your family.


Beth said...

You might also want to look up grants or funding that is specific to the purpose for his being in the NICU. Grants are EVERYWHERE- you just have to dig.
Keep us updated.