Monday, July 28, 2008

Good friends and band pics

Don't you just love those friends that have known you forever? You know, the ones that were friends with you when you were in 7th grade and a total nerd? That's what Chad & Ruth are to us.

I think it's great how supportive they are and how familiar. But I also love that they don't mind having their pictures taken and that they humored us in our mini photo shoot. Though, as you will see, Chad did cross his arms a lot. That's cool, I think it just makes him look "tough".
Personally, I think we look like we should DEFINITELY form a band. Even if it was just a band filled with kazoos and tamborines.
The pictures are too band-like not to. And seeing as I am always wanting to start a band, I feel the need to declare us one. So, I hereby declare us: K-FAB.Not for any particular reason except that it sounds like K-Love and maybe because our name sounds so similar, they would be gracious and let us play at Spirit West Coast.So, if you are planning on going to Spirit West Coast this year, look for us, K-FAB, in concert. We won't have one of those cool tents or anything, but we will sure bring the joys of kazoo playing to all surrounding port a potties.

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