Tuesday, July 22, 2008


One of the many wonderful perks of being a parent is that you get to listen to the same video with the same songs over and over again. I haven't minded it really because it makes him so happy when the little Veggie Tales characters come on and say, "yay!" and because I like that even though he has no idea what on earth they are saying, that he is learning bible stories.
However, the downfall to this is that every word to every story and song gets stuck in my head. Now I am sure as parents everyone has experienced this, but it is all new to me. We have become pros at all the veggie tale songs and use them to distract Eli when he is upset or bored or something. Just the other day I was holding Eli and singing the Belly Button song:

"Baby I need to tell you something, I don't got a belly button...." Tim did back up vocals.
Then he swooped in, grabbed the baby and did the whole rap part of the song. He was no sir-mix-a-lot but I was impressed at how well he knew the words.

I think the biggest shocker is that it has now become a part of our everyday dialogue. Tim and I will be talking away about what happened in our day, or what someone said and somehow we will incorporate a veggie-ism into the conversation.

Like I will talk about what to make for dinner and how I am soooo hungry.
Then Tim will say something like, "Oh yeah? Well I'm so hungry I could eat a whole spaceship." I will then top it with, "Oh yeah, well I'm so hungry I could eat a whole planet."
And before you know it, we have quoted half a veggie tale. I think if people heard us, they would think we were so weird. But we just crack ourselves up.


the Wildauers said...

Sounds like you are right on track! Just wait till they start quoting the movies and its up to you to remember which one it was from... You are a great mom- keep it up!

imbrownie said...

I think it shows what outstanding parents and human beings you are. Nothin' wrong with that! I'm still looking for a way to integrate "the bunny song" into my son's everyday life.