Monday, June 1, 2009

My sweetboy is 2 weeks old

Noah is 2 weeks old today. It's hard to believe how quickly the time has gone by, and how fast I fell in love with him.
I wasn't sure how I would feel about baby #2; if I could love him as much as I loved Elijah. The moment I held him, all my fears melted away and were replaced with unconditional love for my him.

I find myself memorizing every little thing about him. The shape of his mouth, the feel of his skin, the tiny expressions he makes when he's hungry. I forgot how wonderful a new baby could be. How much it makes us look at life as being so precious, so fragile, so significant.

A lot of people have asked me if I feel guilty having this new healthy baby. I don't. I am happy for Noah, that he can live a life that is not plagued with hospital visits and eyes staring at him. I am excited to see what this new little person will bring to our family, and to his brother.

Noah has been a great newborn. He sleeps well, eats well, barely fusses. He is prayerfully and wonderfully made. And at night, when the whole house is asleep, I love sharing that special time with him and giving him the attention and love he deserves. I love my sweetboy.


Jenny said...

Isn't it amazing how you just automatically love him, just as much as your first? I had those same fears, that there was no way I could love the next one as much, but you just do! I'm so happy that you have another wonderful baby boy. He is just beautiful!

imaya said...

Beautifully written, Erin. Thanks so much for sharing your heart for you newest boy-so beautiful!