Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mazal Tov

So this is a strange blog but I felt it was neccessary to document. If you have a boy in the city of Redding, they refuse to circumcise him at the hospital. Usually it's left to the pediatrician to take care of, but lucky me... mine doesn't do it. So here my poor kid is nearly 4 weeks old and still no snipping of the schmeckel. It made me think how odd it is that they make you jump through such hoops to get this procedure done, almost like they're discouraging it from happening. And let me tell you, they're pretty good at it. But I am determined for my Noah boy, and finally had to arm wrestle someone to get an appointment. Tomorrow morning we go in for the snip-snip. I don't know why, but I find myself nervous. I never had this nervousness with Eli. Perhaps it's because they whisked him into another room and did it, or because he was only 2 days old and barely made a peep, or perhaps it was the spectacular amount of pain meds I was on at the time. Whatever it is, I have sobered up with this baby and realized what I am walking him into tomorrow. Why am I so sad about it? It's actually doing him a great service. Maybe it's the loss of a part of his body... I dunno. Whatever it is, here I sit looking at my poor baby's face thinking "You have no idea what you're in for tomorrow".



imaya said...

Redding is a weird place. I have never heard of the hospital or your OB not doing it. There are so many health benefits that I am not sure why all the negativity. Hope he heals quickly, poor little guy.

Lee said...

They wouldn't do it at the hospital? I never had that problem with my Noah, but that was 3 1/2 yrs ago. I wonder why the change. I did have my pediatrician do it, but he was at the hospital and it was done within 24 hrs.