Monday, June 15, 2009

First Haircut insights

So my little baby became a big boy on Saturday. We took the plunge and cut those gorgeous curly blong locks. Mostly because he was getting a Macguyver-sized mullet. It was time....

Armed with my camera and a labelled plastic baggie to catch the remainder of his baby curls, I was ready. I started out with mixed emotions.... but I never cried, and surprisingly neither did he. Though after you go into the hospital and have all kinds of horrible things done to you, getting a hair cut is a piece of cake. And he handled it like a pro.

When we finally came out of the salon, I realized that he wasn't a baby anymore. We had cut the baby right off of him. He was officially a big boy, and he had the haircut to prove it.

I think I stared at it for about 3 hours before I really got used to it. It is such a change to watch your baby grow before your very eyes. But, unlike most mothers, I actually was excited about him growing up. This is the beginining of a new chapter in his life, a more exciting chapter. And I am so glad to be a part of it. Geez, I can't believe I am getting all worked up about a haircut, it's not a peace-treaty for the middle east or anything.

Does he like it? You be the judge!

1 comment:

imaya said...

Again, He is so good looking! I am right there with you on being excited by this new phase. I am not so much mourning the baby being nearly gone, but more amazed at how fast it went. When you are in the middle of the sleepless nights, snack bar breast, colic, neediness it feels it will never end. Then it does, so much faster than you thought possible.