Monday, April 13, 2009

You know you're a parent when....

Yep, they're parents.

You know when you see a little kid ride a bike for the first time, or learn to tie their shoe and you think... when did that happen? That's the sort of surreal feeling I got this week when John and Maribeth stayed with us. Watching John swaddle his daughter and make her stop crying in 2.5 seconds, and watching Maribeth changing a pint-sized diaper it really did make me think "huh... they're parents... when did that happen?"

Not that I doubted them or anything, I think it was that I realized the change in 2 people when they become parents. How one day they are just 2 people, and the next they are parents. It's crazy and really unexplainable until you experience it.

Our house was filled with the sounds of little Charity. I must admit, it was quite nice to have a girl around. Doesn't Tim look fetching with her? Another way you can spot a parent: when they voluntarily will change and comfort a baby that is not their own. It was so cute to see Tim leap into action when John asked him to finish changing Charity. And to watch him rock her back and forth until she stopped crying. It's funny, if you were to ask him 2 years ago to do that, he probably would have run away. I love the confidence I see in his parenting abilities.

So here we are, 2 married couples; 4 friends. Here we are 8 years later.... parents. It's a strange and wonderful bond that really does change you forever. I love it, and I love seeing them in it.


JohnMichaelHinton said...

Wow, we are parents! How cool are we!

Maribeth said...

okay, so I just have to say... notice that John got noted for the fun jobs of swaddling and skillful crying-silencing techniques... and what do I get credited for?? ...changing dirty diapers. :) ...I guess the moms always do tend to get the dirty work. ;) we sure loved the precious time we spent with you.