Thursday, April 16, 2009

A not-so-average day

When you have a kid like mine, it's easy to lock him away from kids his age and keep him "safe" from staring eyes and constant questions.
Today I chose not to do that. I chose to have a date with my son all around town. We went to Barnes and Nobles and read some of his favorite books. He then proceeded to crawl all over the store. People stared, I must admit it is quite a sight to see him crawling around with that big old cast on his arm. He didn't seem to notice, and I pretended not to either.
Then I took him to the park. He loved the swing, but I think he loved crawling around in the dirt more. It probably seems strange that I am blogging about this, I mean most 20-month olds go out and about each day like this. But we don't. I think I let my fear of what people might say get the best of me. Sometimes I forget that he's just a kid, and I need to just let him be one and not try to always protect him from everything.
Anyways, he laughed more than I have seen him laugh in so long. He giggled, he talked, his pants and cast got COVERED in dirt and we had the best day ever!
I hope that on the days when I am afraid to take him out that I will look back on this blog and remember the smile on his face. It's totally worth it. Why do I let my fears get the best of me?


Unknown said...

Because sometimes its hard to keep fighting. You definitely have a little boy worth fighting for, though. That smile is worth fighting for.

Amy said...

Yay! I'm so happy you had a fun day!

Jenny said...

Good for you Erin. You're an awesome mommy.