Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The 40 day push

Well, it's officially 40 days and 40 nights until Noah arrives.

I found that highly ironic, and had to blog about it. I wonder if there will be a terrential downpour that day? Or if a large amount of animals will parade through the streets in honor of his birth? Perhaps he will be particularily good at boating, an excellent yachtsman if you will. That would be cool.

Last week the doctor measured me and told me that my uterus was 3 inches bigger than what it was supposed to be. She said, "You have big baby". That scared me a bit. I just hope he fits into the cute little newborn clothes we got him.

Maybe we should have named him Goliath.


JohnMichaelHinton said...

loved this blog. made me smile on a "fun" day :)

Jenny said...

ha ha ha It's not too late! (to name him Goliath)

Dave said...

Ha ... amen to that. You could always name him "Davey". Wait, that may be a bit of an obscure reference. If so, go look up "Davey and Goliath" on youtube and you'll see what I watched as a kid ...