Thursday, February 12, 2009

They got rid of my girl!

This blog pertains to Joanna Pacitti, my pick for American Idol this year. Some of you may not know her backstory. I first heard about her in 1996 during a nation-wide search for the next Annie. It was covered by Dateline, or 20/20, one of those news shows. 

Out of what seemed like millions, they narrowed it down to Joanna, an unknown 11-year-old. She played Annie for several weeks off-broadway, and then when the show moved to Broadway got some sort of bronchitis and was replaced by her understudy. This made national news as it crushed poor Joanna's little dreams of becoming a broadway star. It made me sad for her, then I flipped the station and never thought about her again.

Years later,  I happened upon an MTV documentary following young adults looking to make it in show business. When who did I find, but little orphan Annie all grown up. She was working on a record deal, writing songs and performing in strip malls. She appeared to be going for the Ashley Simpson crowd, and she was good too. I thought to myself, "This is the break she finally deserves." 
At the end of the documentary, it mentioned how her record company dropped her. This, again made me sad, then I flipped the channel again.

Then came this season of American Idol. The second week of auditions I came acrossed a very familiar face- Joanna. With her signature dark eyeliner and blazing brown hair, she belted out a tune that proved she really was the star no one let her become. I was so excited to watch her go through Hollywood week. And just last night it was cool to watch the judges on American Idol finally give her a shot. I really thought her big break could be here. Plus, I really liked having someone to root for this season.

Cut to today when it was announced that Joanna was disqualified from being in the top 36. Appearantly, there were some outraged fans who didn't like that she had a record deal before, and had sang in strip malls (as glamorous as that is). The show is not saying exactly why she was disqualified, but it's looking like little orphan Annie is once again left out in the cold. When is someone gonna give this girl a break? 

What's sad is, there are people like Jessica Simpson and...gulp.... even Scarlett Johannson who have absolutely NO TALENT and have made albums. I mean, you'd be crazy to let someone with ACTUAL TALENT and GOOD LOOKS make an album right? Poor Joanna. And poor me, as I now have to find someone else to root for this season. 

1 comment:

Dave said...

Too bad. Girl's had some tough breaks. Interesting season for us. Usually we've picked out one or two big favorites, but so far, there have been so many good ones that we haven't really decided on any specific person to root for. The only thing we know for sure is that we hope Tatianna (sp?) gets booted off first. Is she annoying, or what?