Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dear Valentine

8 years ago today was our first date. A quiet night at Starbucks, we were both full of so much energy and excitement. I didn't want to go home that night, it still ranks up there as one of my alltime favorite dates (though we have had a lot of good ones). 

Now, here I sit 8 years later so proud to be your wife. Though the years have worn us down, we don't have quite as much energy as we used to. I found myself laying on our couch all day, pregnant and uncomfortable just thinking of years gone by when I would have jumped at the chance to take my Valentine out. 

Yet somehow, sitting in our pajamas, eating take-out and watching our son play on the floor is enough of a romantic date for me. You hold my hand and kiss my forehead and I know you still have the same excitement for me that you once had. I feel like a beached whale right now, yet you still manage to tell me how beautiful I am and that really melts me.

I didn't get you a Valentines card this year, I had to fight off about 6 old ladies in the card aisle and finally lost when I got elbowed in the belly one-too-many times. So this is my valentine to you my love. Thank you for that wonderful date 8 years ago that started the love affair of a lifetime. You could not have made me more happy. And on a day when we celebrate the love in our lives, I am so thrilled to sit next to my love in my pajamas happily eating the oreo pie I was craving all day. My, how time can change a person.

I hate growing old, but I so look forward to doing it with you.
Forever thine,
forever mine,
forever ours.
Love.... me. (also Bethoven helped)

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