Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Teething and the fall of man

My son has been really good at finding my breaking point lately. Particularily with the high decibal level he achieves through screaming. I can't say that I blame him. He is cutting 4 molars simultaneously and is in a lot of pain. Usually I can handle it, but at 4am those glass shattering screams are not easily tolerated. Yesterday was particularily bad when I had to get ready to take him to the hospital. 2 hours and a couple hundred temper-tantrums later, I decided to give up. As patient as I try to be with him, and as much as I try to be understanding, by the end of the day I am throwing things at walls and breathing fire. 

While enduring a very long screaming session yesterday, I developed a theory about teething.
I believe that teething was created by the fall of man. You see, Adam and Eve were created with a perfect set of teeth, they never experienced cutting a tooth. But then Adam bit into that red deliciousness (alright so the bible doesn't specify what fruit it was, but I always imagine it was an apple because bad things happen to people who eat apples, just ask Snow White). Once he bit into that apple, our fate was sealed. Yes, woman would have pain in child-bearing, we knew that one. But I believe God also created pain in teething then. It's something that every child (and anyone within a 10 mile radius of the child) must go through; a right of passage if you will. 

Subscribing to this theory helps me see teething for what it really is; a horrible thing from the pit of hell. And everytime I hear the screaming I am reminded to repent, "Dear God, I am sorry for all that I have done, please forgive me... and make it stop God, make it stop!"

1 comment:

the Wildauers said...

In our house we call it "knowledge fruit" since it came from the tree of knowledge... something the kids made up... Sorry to hear it's been rough! Good news- they will cut through soon and it'll be over!