Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Arguably the best birthday present ever

So yesterday was my birthday, and Tim took me out on a romantic date to celebrate. What happened that night was something I will remember for the rest of my life.

BACKSTORY: To accurately get why this night meant so much to me, I have to rewind and tell you that I am 6 months pregnant and we have had the toughest time coming up with a name for our baby boy. You see I have had my heart set on a name for some time now, but Tim didn't like it. It was really hard for me not to want that name, but I let it go so that we could agree on one. But after months of not being able to agree, it was beginning to wear on me.

Tim took me to C.R. Gibbs and we had just ordered a shrimp bowl to share. He asked me if I wanted to open my birthday present. I ofcourse said yes, and he slid a card over to me. The card was sweet, and left me a bit teary. Then there was a folded letter inside the card. I opened the top flap and it read:

Happy Birthday Erin. I didn't get you a birthday present this year. I could have gotten you some scrapbook stuff, or a transmitter for your ipod  but I wanted to get you something more meaningful. So this year I  am giving you......

And then I opened the bottom flap which read:
the name of our son.

After months of debate, he finally decided that the name I liked so much for our son, would be his name. I bawled like a baby and squealed with delight. I think our waiter thought we got engaged because he halted our food to give us time. No doubt he saw my enormous belly and thought to himself, "It's about time he makes a proper woman out of her."

But it was just the sweetest and best gift I could have gotten. I couldn't imagine our son having a different name, and believe me I tried. And now, I will always have this wonderful story to tell him about how we came up with his name. We still haven't decided on a middle name, so I will save his name announcement for another blog. But I just had to gush over how wonderful my husband was, and the best present I have ever received from him!


Jenny said...

I love it. Again I say, what a great guy! I feel very honored that I know his name and you know it's been MY favorite from day one. So YAY for having a name for your little boy!!!
When I told David about this he said that was quite genius of Tim- a gift that didn't cost any money but scored MAJOR emotional points. Well done Tim.

Candace said...

Now that is awesome. What a sweet and thoughtful gift.