Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmastime is here!

We decided not to let a silly metal arm contraption ruin our Christmas traditions. So last night, we bundled Elijah up and took him to the Christmas Parade. Last year we took him, but he was unconscious the whole time and it was a little anti-climactic for us. But this year he absolutely loved it. It is so fun to enjoy Christmas through the eyes of your child.

I am hoping to have enough energy this week to start baking, but we will see. It may be store-bought cookie dough for us. Whatever the case, the tree is up, the lights are hung, the wreath is out. It is officially Christmas and I am looking forward to having something to look forward to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe if it is store bought dough, it won't be quite as tempting to eat...
