Sunday, December 7, 2008

Morning Sickness Tales

Okay so I had to lighten the mood of the blog a bit, it's getting a bit "intense". So I thought I'd share a few great morning sickness tales, past and present.I have pretty much thrown up in every kind of bathroom there is, and I have grown to be quite the connissuer of toilets.

Some things I have learned:

Best Place to throw up: A hospital. Their toilets are ALWAYS clean and you don't feel weird being sick there, cause everybody is sick there.

Worst Place to throw up: Oooh this one is a toughy, there are so many awful places to throw up. But I would have to say the public restroom at any shopping center. Mostly because when you throw up near people, they think you have some sort of eating disorder and give annoyed sighs and dirty looks.

And now for 2 great stories about morning sickness. The first one happened just today. Tim took us on a family outing to Target. I didn't get very far before I had to run to the bathroom. First stall I found I checked for obvious dirtiness- yes... I found a clean stall. Unforunately for me, the lady next to me had a really bad case of diarhea. Needless to say, I got stage fright and had to plug my nose and run back out of the bathroom.

Second story- this one happened when I was pregnant with Elijah. I worked in a tiny post office with about 5 other girls. There was a bathroom there, but it was sort of in the middle of everything and was not very private. One of the girls I worked with was "as regular as could be". Each morning she would hit the bathroom with a magazine and a fair amount of haste and wouldn't return for 20 minutes. Unfortunately for me, the mornings were the height of my sickness and I quickly had to run in after she had left to throw up. When I got there, she had left some floaties in the toilet. But I didn't have time to flush it cause I was already throwing up. Gross part- the floaty + puke-filled water splashed up and sprayed me all over my face and hair. SO SICK.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed that.

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