Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Christmas I'll remember

I have often wondered why parents took great effort in videotaping Christmas. I used to think, "who would want to sit for 2 hours watching people open presents?" Now I know why.

We didn't go across country this year and sit with a crowd of family. It was just me, Tim and our not-so-baby boy. And I can't recall on record a more enjoyable Christmas. Sitting and watching Eli open his presents was absolutely amazing. Seeing his pure joy when he got a new toy, or feeling the softness of his new slippers on his feet. I am sure no one in the world would have thought it was as adorable as Tim and I did, but that's what makes us mushy parents.

We didn't videotape Christmas this year, but I vowed to get a videocamera for next year. I am sure that one day, when Elijah is 20 years old and I break out the old Christmas videos, he too will grumble and wonder why in the world we videotaped this. I'll tell him, "You'll understand when you have kids."


Anonymous said...

I love our family!!

Unknown said...

I can't decide if the slipper picture or the sweater picture is cuter!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful Christmas, Erin. When the boys were younger, we didn't live near family and spent every Christmas with just the four of us. I though we had great Christmases and the boys have good memories of all of them.

Just last night, Debbie and I were talking with Jon and Jenn about how important it is to videotape the family when the kids are young (and even when they get older, for that matter). I started videotaping just about everything after the boys were born, and I have plenty of hours of Christmas and other holidays. A couple of years ago, I made a special DVD for the boys that had highlights from Christmases in '88 and '89. The really cool part of it all was that I remembered those Christmases, but without the video to go back and really see the kids as they were - all the silly expressions, cute mannerisms, things they said - well, it was just awesome to see it all. It was like being there all over again. Do yourself a favor and get a video camera as soon as you can. You'll be thankful and your kids will love it when they get older.

... belated Merry Christmas, btw.