Friday, November 21, 2008

Cheap... or thrifty?

I'm such a cheapskate. It's really quite pathetic. Even though I have been saving money for a month to pay for Elijah's surgery, I still find my inner penny-pincher cringing at giving up so much money just to stay in a hotel. Ofcourse, when I think about how much money I am saving on a hospital stay and surgery, I should really count my blessings.

Still, I can't help but spend hours on Priceline and other various hotel-saving websites looking for that "deal" that I am seriously never going to find. On another note though, it is alarming how little discounts hotels give for families of Shriner's patients. I mean, they could be making some serious business if they actually grew a heart. It reminds me of the Grinch who's heart is 2 sizes too small. But, I digress....

I'm cheap. I need to let go of that.


Anonymous said...

Youknow you could just stay at my house for free. . . . .

JohnMichaelHinton said...

Oh that reminds me that my in-laws told me that you could stay in their casita anytime for free :)

Candace said...

I feel ya...

Anonymous said...

Our house is always open as well. We have a guest room just waiting to be used.
~Jessica Davies