Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mom's group blues

I don't know why but for some reason it has been difficult for me to break into a mom's group. There is, ofcourse, scheduling conflicts when you only have one car. So some mornings just don't work around the admissions lifestyle my husband has.
But there is also an incredible amount of moms out there, which is a great thing, they just seem to stockpile a group till there is really no room left. Like MOPS for instance.

I tried with all my might to join it this year. And my 2 best friends and I were going to go. They got in, but my kid got sick that day. Appearantly, if you didn't get in that day, you just didn't get in. I was told by the group that I was welcome to come, as long as I provided childcare for my son. I don't have any family in town so that's pretty darn impossible. Then I tried to join one at Neighborhood, only to discover... they don't have one. But they did say I was allowed to start one. I wasn't really in the mood to start one.

There are a lot of other mom's groups out there. But they definitely have an exclusivity clause.

I wish there was a place where moms could meet and actually WANT to get to know new people, and just fellowship. That would be awesome. But until then... it's just me and Eli at home.


Anonymous said...

Girl I'd be in your mom's group anyday!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Try being a working mom, trying to get into a mother's group. That's even harder!

Anonymous said...

erin, this pic is adorable. you look great!