Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Baby Flu

There are a lot of things that you forget about pregnancy once your baby comes out into the world. Morning sickness is not one of those things. It is a rite of passage that marks the beginning (and sometimes middle and ending) of your pregnancy.

I was so sick with Elijah all throughout my pregnancy. It was rough. I was really hoping and praying that this pregnancy would be different. Having a 1 year old is time consuming enough. But this little baby seems to want to torture me too. I can't keep food down and can scarecely drink without throwing everything up. It really sucks.

I know that lots of women get sick, but I don't know how many of them really are implanted on their couch for weeks on end. My kitchen is disgusting, my laundry is overflowing. The trash hasn't been taken out, the bathroom hasn't been cleaned. (Well except for the toilets... who can puke in dirty toilets?)

Yet no matter how hard I try to get up and clean my house, it is all I can do to feed and change my son. Even writing this blog took me several hours to get up the energy to do, and as I type I am feeling the chunks rise. This is truly awful, and I don't even have a cute little bump to show for it.

So don't expect too many blogs from me for a while.


JohnMichaelHinton said...

This blog made me feel sad for lots a reasons. No more blogs for a while and you are so sick! I hope it doesn't last beyond the first trimester. I hated watching mb feeling that sick. I know unless my head is in the toliet i can't totally undertand, but i still feel really bad for you! :(

Sarah said...

hey my dear....not sure how you feel about asking for help...but please please comment me, text me, call me. I would love to come over and clean your kitchen and do your laundry, and whatever else you just dont have energy for...I'm not working so don't think you're inconviencing me...845-548-2824. I'm here to help..seriously I mean it:)

imbrownie said...

So sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. I hope that both your young ones will go easy on you.

And tell Tim to take the trash out...for crying out loud.