Monday, October 20, 2008


So, the cat is out of the bag... I am pregnant again. I have to say, it was a total and complete shock.

We were so excited that God allowed us to find a 3 bedroom house in our budget range so quickly, now we know why. We had just moved in, boxes were still all over the house, the night we found out. Tim and Eli were watching Monday Night Football when I broke the news.
I gotta say, I have never seen Tim more relaxed. He was very cool and collected, just what I needed.

Everything is so different going into pregnancy for the second time. I think because you know what you are getting yourself into. I can't believe I am going to be the mother of 2 kids. There aren't words... really.

Baby is due June 10th, 2009. 2 days shy of our 5 year wedding anniversary. I am sure the initial shock will wear off right?


Rosetta Borgic said...

Awesome Erin!! Congrats! How exciting/scary!! :) I hope you are feeling well.

the Wildauers said...

Congrats girl!! Yes, the shock does wear off- especially when we realize that God's timing is always the BEST!!

Sarah said...

yay! Congratulations!!! how exciting! great, so great!

Jeff said...

Congratulations! We are happy for you guys. It is wierd how you get used to life with one child and it starts to seem "normal" and then everything changes again and you add another gift to your family! We will be praying for you guys and I am sure Jamie will symppathize with your pregnancy - she is ready to never do that again.

Candace said...

Awesome! Congratulations! You are going to be an awesome mother of two just like you are already an awesome mother of one!

imbrownie said...

Congrats you guys. Families of four have more fun anyways. Ha.