Friday, September 26, 2008

My little pack rat

So this is the scene at my house this week. Boxes and toys. It's tough to know what to pack and what to keep out so that my son's hands are busy. Elijah has conveniently decided to enter a very clingy stage right now when I have to pack. I have tried everything to get around this.

I've sat him down next to me while I pack- he cried. I have sat him happily near a heap of toys while I packed in the next room- he threw a temper tantrum. And as soon as I sit him on my lap, he starts giggling and talking. It's so nice to feel loved and needed, but this is getting excessive. It's gotten to the point where I have to wait till I put him down at night to get any real packing done. And by then I am just exhausted.

Somehow, though it felt really hard at the time, I feel that packing with an 8 week old was a lot easier than a 13 month old. What a difference a year makes.

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