Sunday, September 28, 2008

The great debate

So, I have recently noticed how adult I have become. It still amazes me. On Friday night, we had our usual pizza night and settled in our way-too-tiny livingroom to watch the debates. I thought that I should document that Elijah also watched. So I could one day tell him.
Raised a born-again republican all my life, I have had a difficult inner struggle this election. A struggle between the values and morals that were instilled in me, and ideals and principles I have grown to be commited to. I have watched from day one as the candidates have dwindled down to 2 qualified men. I decided not to make a decision until I could hear both sides of the story.

Obama's acceptance speech was pretty moving, but after I heard McCain's acceptance speech I began to be torn. It wasn't until the debates on Friday night when my mind was made up.

Our economy is in shambles, our healthcare system is in need of a real boost, and our educational system is laughable. In my heart, I feel like we need someone who is willing to try new ideas, think outside the box, someone who can really shake things up.
I don't feel that McCain is that candidate. Now don't worry, you won't hear any McCain bashing from me (I save that for the safety of my livingroom). But I do feel that I have made my mind up.
And so after 26 years (yes from birth) of being a faithful republican, I have decided for the sake of my country and my child's future, to vote democrat. It's a weird feeling, but it's also an incredibly invigorating one.

*Note: My son also has extreme enthusiasm for Obama.


Anonymous said...

Those pictures are adorable.

imaya said...

I totally know what your are talking about! I am going through/doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I'm still torn. Undecided. I have no enthusiasm for Obama and his promises of change, but neither do I have for McCain and his promises of victory. Truly, Jason and I will be voting for Jack Bauer. Either that or Mickey Mouse.