Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Save our emergency rooms!

Hey guys, I was inspired by a blog I just read on blogger by Juliette Read about Medi-cal and budget cuts.
Looks like Arny is proposing a 10% cut to Medi-Cal. He is proposing this due to a $15.2 billion shortfall in the budget . Bottomline: Because of the cut in Medi-Cal, it is going to leave a lot more people uninsured which will crowd our emergency rooms even more! Because of the crowding situation, it will force a LOT of emergency rooms to shut their doors. This is a serious problem.
There is a petition you can sign here that will be sent straight to our Governor to oppose that Medi-cal cut. On the sight, you can see that St. Elizabeth's and Mercy are BOTH going to be affected by this.
While our budget in California is a serious problem, messing with the healthcare system is not a good way to solve it. I encourage you to read Juliette's blog and make a difference.

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