Sunday, August 17, 2008


Ever had one of those weeks where nothing goes your way? And all you wanna do is crumple on the floor and cry? Well, that's where I was on Thursday night. On the floor crying, when my hubby brought in a package I had gotten.

I opened it up and found this:

A lovely bundle of brand new scrapbooking material. It was from my friend Bethany in Georgia. I couldn't believe how well she knew me, and what perfect materials she had picked out to inspire me.

Bethany delivered Elijah.
I got to know her (rather intimately) each week during my check-ups. We would get to talking about things and when I would talk to her I would forget that there was goop on my belly and we were supposed to be listening to a heartbeat. I can remember not knowing if she would be in the delivery room with me, because there were several people on call. When I first went into labor, I had a different midwife... which I was so bummed about. Fortunately though (I guess you could say fortunately anyway) my delivery lasted longer than her shift. And at 8am Bethany came in through the door. I told her I held that baby in waiting for her!
I couldn't have dreamed up a better person to help me through that difficult time.
And she was the first voice I can recall hearing when I woke up in the recovery room.

After that I would look forward to seeing her during checkups. And I have to say, who ever looks forward to checkups? She always seemed to be excited to see me too. But I figured she had a million patients, and she was probably just being nice.

When I went through some post-partum issues and was at my lowest, Bethany was there. We chatted, hung out. It was a real highlight for me during those dark days. I don't know what I would have done without her. I mean, it's amazing when you can not only have a friend that can talk through your issues with you, but also has the power to perscribe medicine :)

About a week before I moved, I got to see her giant scrapbook room. I salivated as I poured through all of her books. I was so bummed to have finally made a connection with someone only to have to move right afterwards. Fortunately, we don't let that get in our way. I am so blessed to have her in my life.

It just goes to show you can make the most incredible connections, the most intimate friendships in the most unexpected places.

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