Monday, August 18, 2008

Bluetooth Blues

With it being the law and all, I recently got a bluetooth.I am sure that the people that created the hands free law were probably trying to protect drivers out there. I mean, there is always someone being sideswiped by a driver who is on their cell. Accidents increase, insurance rates go up... it's not a good scene.

So, I do have to say that I think it was a good idea generally for them to create this hands-free rule.But with the vast 3 day experience I have had with the hands-free technology, I am not so sure it is going to prevent the kind of accidents we were hoping to avoid. So first of all, I am not an idiot, but setting the thing up was a challenge. I realize that reading the directions helps, but when there are so many, who has the time? So I made Tim do it. Which is fine, and he did a great job, but now I don't know how to work the darn thing.

Sunday I get in the car on a shopping trip. I have my cell in-hand, my bluetooth on my ear and I am ready for some serious talking. The first call I make is to my mother, and after about 5 minutes of fiddling with it to turn on, I get it to work.. we talk, yada yada. Second call I have to answer, now this is a little trickier. And appearantly it proves to be too tricky for me because I completely lose the call in the process. The third call I am in the process of driving when I make it (big mistake by the way) and spend about 5 minutes just repeating, "hello?".

My point simply is this: The bluetooth may not be the smartest invention if the whole point of the hands-free lifestyle is to keep your hands in the 10 and 2 position. I still get sideswiped by people ANSWERING their blue-tooth. Totally defeats the point. But hey, at least it looks cool.

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