Wednesday, August 27, 2008


For those of you who don't know, Elijah has always had trouble gaining weight. With a family like ours, we were shocked at this inability, but still he has been quite the skinny minnie. Recently, his doctor has put him on a major chunko diet. But unfortunately, he hates the things she wants him to eat. And refuses, to the point of throwing wild fits, to eat anything even associated with these foods. This has been massively discouraging for me as a mom, and has thrown me into a major slump.

After talking with my girls Nichole and Jenny, and after many tears and groans, they encouraged me to think outside the box. Being a mom is all about creativity and patience. So I took a cue from them and came up with a few ideas. I dumped all of the "goodies" Eli is supposed to eat but refuses to, into a yummy recipe for pancakes that I call:

Fat Baby Pancakes

1 1/2 cups of Bisquick
1/2 cup of similac formula
2 eggs
1 whole bottle of vanilla pediasure
(equivalent of 1 cup of milk)
and stir.

Not exactly chef Gordon Ramsey or anything, but it does the trick. He ate them up and was a full little boy. I have to say, that encouragement really saw me through. It's so funny how you can be at your witt's end in something and all you have to hear is a different mom's perspective that makes it so simple. I find myself daily saying "why didn't I think of that?"
Thanks girls, you saved my life!

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