Thursday, July 17, 2008


So I have decided that tech people should never be allowed to work in customer service.

I went over to my friendly neighborhood Office Max to print off some invitations I had made (via graphic design). When I got there, there was absolutely no one at the counter. I spent about 4 minutes just tracking someone down to ask for help. Finally when I found someone and asked if she could help me, she waved her hand in front of her face like a giant stop sign telling me to hold my ground (was she going to open fire on me?) "Someone will be with you in a few minutes, just wait over there ma'am" as she pointed to the opposite end of the store. I could have sworn I saw a tumbleweed blowing as I walked to the abandoned print section.

Finally, someone comes to help. I tell them I am here to proof something I sent. The guy doesn't even look up at me but fumbles through a stack of proofs asking for my name. "It's Erin.. Erin War.."
"Yeah uh-huh and what is the proof for?"
"My son's..."
"um yeah okay I don't see it. Are you sure you sent it to us ma'am?"
There it was, that condescending ma'am again. I assured him I had sent it and re-sent it.
"Well I don't see it here, you must not have."
Wow, great customer service skills. What happened to 'the customer is always right'?

In the middle of looking for my proof, he also kept saying stuff like,
"yeah it's on aisle 12 next to the printers."
or "2 and a half."
One time he said, "yeah I found it, it's right over here," and I started to say thankyou, I am so glad you found it, when he stared at me and said, "I wasn't talking to you."
How could I have known he was talking to someone in a hidden earpiece?

Finally after sitting and waiting for 25 minutes he finally finds it and asks for my approval. It's all pixelated and warbly, not right at ALL. So I tell him that and he proceeds to tell me in his high tech superiority complex of a voice how I probably put it in the wrong format and didn't have the right resolution on it. So I went into detail about how I made it (ofcourse he could care less and wasn't listening at all) and how it WAS the right format and resolution.
He then said, "Yeah, it sounds like you did it correctly. It should have worked."
So I asked him what could be done about the situation since clearly I did everything I was supposed to. And that's when I got a blank stare and silence.
The guy clearly did not want to help me. So I turned around, walked out and went to Kinko's where they answered my questions and printed what I wanted them to in 7 minutes flat.

Moral of the story: Customer service + tech guys= bad, unless you go to Kinko's.


JohnMichaelHinton said...

Same thing happens to me at best buy's geek squad! :)

Candace said...

I've had similar experiences. I can't believe he just told you that you must not have sent it. As if you were a crazy person or something. I think you'd know if you sent it or not.

Anonymous said...

people at Office Max and Best Buy (John) are not "TECH" guys true tech guys are sent to classes on customer service. The guys you are talking to are more likely geeks who think they are Tech guys but couldn't make it through the education. Sorry I am in my IT service concepts class right now and I shouldn't be offended but I must say even if I were the guy at Office Max I would have given better service.