Saturday, July 5, 2008


There has been such a transformation in Tim over the last 11 months, that I felt it simply had to be documented. I can remember when we brought the baby home from the hospital. There was this sense of panic in Tim's eyes everytime Elijah would make a sound. When he was asked to hold him, the panic turned to terror as he awkwardly would grab onto the baby. I can remember it being so funny to watch at first seeing him fumble around in the dark looking for diapers, and then hearing a GROAN when it was a poopy one. Or if I would go out for a while, I would get 500 questions about the baby and what to do, followed by at least 7 phone calls. He was learning.

Today we took Elijah to the park, just having a family day, and I watched Tim walking around with the baby. He was changed.
Every sound Elijah made, he knew how to respond. He put a hat on him when it got too sunny, and made sure he had a bottle when he got thirsty. All things I never had to ask, or even do myself. It's an amazing thing to watch as terror turns to instinct.

It's amazing to see father and son form a bond. To watch Elijah's eyes light up when his daddy walks into a room. To hear him laugh a great big belly laugh when his daddy does something funny. No one can make Eli laugh like his daddy can, and that makes my heart melt.

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