Friday, May 23, 2008


There is nothing as comforting as the familiarity of an old friend. Someone who's been with you through every heartache, every accomplishment, and every major life event. There is something so liberating about someone who knows all your stories old and new. And it's even more amazing when that friend marries someone you absolutely adore and connect with. And pretty soon, it's like you don't remember a time when they weren't in your life.

That's the way John and Maribeth are for me. I love that they sometimes call me and leave funny messages on my voicemail. I love that they have always dropped everything to answer the phone and talk to me (even once when John was preaching- sorry John). I love that after a visit from them my stomach muscles always ache from laughing so hard. I love that they read every blog I write (regardless of how boring they are). I love how we can stay up till 4am talking and not realize how late it is. I love that they aren't fake about their lives or relationship and are open about their struggles. And I love that we can go years without seeing eachother and when we come back, it's like we never left.

But, I hate the way I feel when I watch them walk out the door and wonder when I will get to see them again.

1 comment:

JohnMichaelHinton said...

It's great when it feels like you never left, yet sucks when you don't know the next time you get to feel that way!