Thursday, May 8, 2008


There are a lot of opinions swirling around out there about the movie Cloverfield. This is mine.
When I first saw the trailer for this movie I about wet my pants (though part of that had to do with being 9 months pregnant). I had never before seen a movie be so top secret, and it made me want to watch it all the more. When it finally came out in theatres, I ran over to see it. I was completely taken by it. I loved the way it was shot by a normal person's perspective. It wasn't big budget or anything, but it had that Indie feel to it that was charming to me. I really enjoyed the endearing characters (especially the goofy "Hud" who's perspective it is shot from).
The moment the credits rolled, I turned to Tim and said, "We have GOT to buy this movie".

And that's just what we did. Normally, I NEVER buy movies when they just come out, but I did buy this one because I felt the extreme need to own it. However, once I told friends that I owned it, I got a lot of grief. I have often heard it referred to as "cheesy" and "unsatisfying". But I believe that people have failed to see it's value. It's a great monster movie, truly fun and highly entertaining. There's even some serious LOVE in the movie- that's right girls.

I personally love it, and I would highly reccomend it. Though the people I have highly reccomended it to do not share my same enthusiasm. So, the choice is yours; sit at home and be bored, or take a chance and watch one of the most entertaining movies of 2008.


Jenny said...

OK, so we watched it! Thanks for letting us borrow it. It definitely was entertaining. The "home video-ness" of it made me a bit queasy at times, but it was exciting. Sad at the end. :( But I'm glad we saw it.

Bethany said...

Dude, this movie made me sick! Seriously, we went to see it in the theater and the motion from it totally messed with my head! And I can read in the car so that kind of stuff doesn't normally bother me! I got a free movie pass cause I had to walk out. Had nothing to do with the plot, just the way it was filmed. NEVER again!
