Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I am not usually a big believer in "The Sabbath" mostly because I have never really contemplated why we have them. I was pretty much taught that the Sabbath meant we took a long nap on Sunday afternoons. But I think the Sabbath is really a time to be together as a family and enjoy God's goodness in our lives.

This week has been, arguably, the hardest week I have had since I have become a mother. And through the stress and the tears and the constant feeling of helplessness, I have felt like perhaps this week would never end. But today proved that it DID, in fact, end and it ended on an actual good note.

Church was great, I felt really fed. And even though it was HOT in my car with no air conditioning, I was glad to be in a place where it wasn't humid.

But the real highlight for me was when we decided to all take a walk down to Barnes and Noble. I forgot how nice it is in Redding in the springtime. And as I talked with my soulmate sipping a frappuchinno, I looked over at the sun setting between the mountiains and listened to the sounds of my baby giggling and I felt truly blessed.

It's times like these when I know there is a God. Because on the last day when you feel like maybe you will just fall apart if you don't have some intimate time with the ones you love, God gives you an amazing day.

Thanks Lord, I needed that.


Beth said...

Pretty amazing when God just does the simplest thing to remind us he is there.... carrying us while we struggle to understand.
I'm thinking of you and praying for you.
Oh, and a funny (sick) thing; Garrett loves to have the AC off in our car during the summmer- says it makes him feel ALIVE!!!!
Whatever! :P

JohnMichaelHinton said...

You just made me sigh and agree. i'm sorry you had a really hard week, but i'm glad that His love endures forever and that you felt it! Can't wait until next weekend!!!! (we're still on right?)

Jenny said...

I love how the "smallest" outings can make your week completely worth living through. Most of ours are with you!