Wednesday, April 9, 2008


So I used to be the type of girl who would never leave the house without her hair perfectly curled, makeup done, and a cute outfit on. That was before I got married.

When I met my husband, I started sporting flip-flops all year round (including on my wedding day), and my pants of choice were ALWAYS my pajama pants. But they were, ofcourse, pink and cute a girly.

Now, I find myself having 2 categories of clothes; Dressy/casual and, the dreaded, MOM CLOTHES. You know, the kind you never go out in public in - going out in public... what's that? The frumpy, stretched out, covered in baby drool, comfortable clothes?

I am not a sloppy dresser, I just feel that if I am stuck at home all day scrubbing my toilets and changing dirty diapers, why dress up for that?

Occasionally (and only in dire emergencies) I will go out of the house in the afformentioned clothes. These extenuating circumstances are for things like; diaper runs or toilet paper. And, I NEVER go out in daylight for these emergencies, only at like 10pm at Winco for like 10 minutes.

However during these errands, enevitably, I will run into someone I know from SOMEWHERE; albeit high school, college, or people from one of the 500 jobs I have had. I am now convinced that these people (especially the people I haven't seen in years) will probably think I ALWAYS dress this way. I have "let myself go" or maybe I just don't care anymore. For those people, and anyone else reading this- I do actually own pants that do not have huge stains on them.

The sad thing is, no matter how many times this happens to me, I never learn.


Erica said...

I so know what you mean. I was coming out of Target with my kids once and looked down to see a huge green boog that one of the kids must have wiped on my chest. haha! I don't even think about it anymore and then I am in public and thinking who am I and why am I dressed like this.

Jenny said...

HAHAHA! I love this. I'm glad I'm not the only one. "Mom" clothes are so comfortable & let me tell you- the second I put on something "dressy" or "non-mom-ish," I get something spilled or thrown up on me that stains and ruins the outfit permanently. This is when I say, "Why even try?" and get back in my comfy jammie pants. :) Thanks for loving me anyways.