Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So, I just read Jeff Brown's blog and in it he was talking about his worship team on Sunday. To sum up, it sounded like Nickel Creek. Mandolin, Violin, guitar... and it made me ache to hear it. Actually, it made me ache for music again.

There was a time in my life when worship was my heartbeat. Practices, team meetings, early morning commitments- it was my life. In college, I got a chance to be a part of an extrodinary group of musicians. It was on those worship teams that I met my husband, my best friends, my closest confidants and made life-long connections.

It wasn't just a social hour for me though, I also spent some of the most intense worship sessions to the Lord that I have ever experienced in my life. I had purpose then, I had meaning. I was confident in my gifts and abilities and I had an outlet to express them in.

Sadly, I had to pull these pictures out of a Folder entitled: Old Times.
I pull them out to remind me that there was once a time when music was my heartbeat, now it's just an atrophed muscle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot tell you how much I relate to this.
There was a time in my life when I too could claim music as my heartbeat. It's not like that now.
Sure, I help lead the youth worship team, but it's so incredibly different then it once was in my life.

All that just to say that I know where you're coming from and I echo that sad feeling of emptiness... that dull ache that you're not doing something you were meant to do, and that part of you is lost, and has been lost for some time, and it's trying to find it's way back to you.