Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ready, set, sew!

Last night my husband pulled out several pairs of pants he had been avoiding wearing because of huge rips on them. He asked me if I could sew them up for him. Now, I know my way around a needle and thread. Mama didn't raise no fool. But now, suddenly, in the midst of being asked to do it, a sense of fear washed over me. Could I REALLY do it now... when it actually mattered?

After countless hours of sewing, tearing apart, and re-sewing, and 2 episodes of American Idol, I had finished! Now stood the true test; I asked Tim to put them on. Once he did, a sense of true accomplishment filled me and I felt, like a grown-up. Sure, maybe other housewives are all cookie cutter, Martha Stewart types. But I am nowhere near that, and though this may have seemed like a menial thing for most, to me... it was a triumph!

One small step for Mom, one giant step for Mom-kind!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Oh man I hate mending, I start getting the pit sweats whenever it is mentioned.I do know the feeling of accomplishment though it does feel good. Way to go Erin, sometimes being a wife means rolling up your sleeves and taking care of mess'. Thank God that being an expert at taking care of all those messes is not what makes you a great wife. It's being willing to roll up your sleeves and give it your best shot no matter the outcome. Haha