Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A mama moment

This morning was a morning like any other morning. I sat on my couch, encouraging my son to say "mama". And, just as he had done every other morning, he sat and stared at me. Sure, he'd blown a few bubbles, giggled a bit, even made a squeal or two. But, never had he actually said anything in response. And, this morning, if you would have watched me and how silly I looked, you might have thought I was out of my mind.But.... tonight, as my husband and I were sitting on the couch, watching TV our son proudly exclaimed, "baa... baa...... ma ma ma ma". And just like that, he was talking. For the rest of the night he sat there, just talking away, as if he had been doing it all along. It was truly a parent-defining moment for me. As I sat and watched my son grow before my very eyes. This morning, he was a different boy, a quiet boy. And now, he is officially a babbling baby. It is possibly one of the most rewarding moments of my life. And, I caught it all on video:

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