Monday, September 24, 2007

Oh yeah... I forgot

I must first write a disclaimer to those of you who haven't had children yet. You might want to avert your eyes, or go watch Heroes or something more useful with your time, as the contents of this blog could possibly dissuade you from further considering the possibility of bearing children. Unless, ofcourse, you are a man, in which case this will have no bearing (no pun intended) on the overall outcome of having children. Then again, if you are a man I am truly curious as to why you have continued to read on since this is so obviously shaping up to be a very  estrogen-filled installment of "my pearls of wisdom". But, I digress. To sum up- this blog is not for the faint at heart... viewer discretion is advised.

So, it has been 7 weeks since I have given birth to my son. And in that time, I had somehow managed to forget most of the trauma it took to get him here. To be totally honest, I had already been considering the possibility of having another one. I mean, staring down at his beautiful face- even at 4am, I thought to myself "He was worth it." And, when pressed, I would definitely agree to do it all over again if I had the opportunity. Please understand... I love my son.

However, this morning with my head in a toilet... it all came screaming back to me. You see, labor caused my back to be out of alignment and because of that, I have been in extreme back pain all weekend. Much to my relief, I went to the chiropractor this afternoon to fix this problem. What I didn't realize is that it actually hurts WORSE to get your back re-aligned and subsequently I spent the better part of the afternoon laying on my bathroom floor in misery. That is when I  remembered the first 5 months of pregnancy. And I silently prayed that God would spare me the nightmare of pregnancy for at least another year.

I find it amazing just how quickly we, as women, forget the pain of pregnancy and childbirth. When other mothers told me this, I laughed at them. How can they forget this? I was so sick I was almost admitted to the hospital. I had the most horrible labor experience- you couldn't dream up a worse scenario. And people forget this?  But, despite the wound from my surgery still being fresh and the puncture marks from my IV having only just recently healed.. I found myself forgetting. I truly believe this must be a gift that God gives women. Because I know for a fact that if we DID remember every little detail- the population of humans would have been extinct by now. No woman would voluntarily go through that nightmare again.

And I, for one, was thankful that my back got re-aligned so my momentary lapse in judgement would vanish and reality would set in. I am perfectly content with the one baby I have.... well.... for now :)

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