Friday, August 17, 2007

In the Days of Elijah

So, I have become a mother. It is an amazing thing- something that can't really be explained. My son, Elijah Cole, has become the center of my universe.

The day he was born was a tough one. I had been in labor for 17 hours and was exhausted. I wasn't able to see my precious baby born because of an emergency C-section where they had to sedate me. When I finally started to wake up, I asked the doctor "Is the baby okay?" That is when I got some startling news.

Elijah was born with some unique features, he is missing a bone in each one of his arms, his wrists do not work, he is missing a thumb on one hand, and on the other he has a thumb without a bone in it. The moment I found out, I was overcome with grief. I mourned the loss of these vital parts of his body and immediately began to think of all of the things my son could not do. He probably would never be a surgeon, or play the guitar. He couldn't throw a baseball, and would even have trouble writing.

Over the course of the next few days my thoughts were only of my son's limitations and my fears of people's perceptions. Elijah would have a tough time in life, possibly being made fun of for his differences, possibly being overlooked. I continue to struggle with these thoughts, and I find myself overly protective of those precious little hands.

But one thing that has been a surprise to me is how God has used Elijah, in just the few short days he has been on this earth, for HIS glory. Many people's lives have been touched by my little boy, through his story. Knowing that the Lord ordained him to have these features is of some comfort to me. I knew when he was swimming around in my belly that he was special, set apart. And now, I can say with much certainty that the Lord has great plans for Elijah Cole Warkentin. Though it is a challenge each day, wondering what lies in store for him; what obstacles lie ahead, I know that my God is good and that he has great things for my baby and for me.

I am proud to say that I lived in the days of Elijah. That my tiny little 6lbs. 15 oz. baby was a miracle and a blessing and that I will never be the same again.

The word of the Lord, the God of Abraham and of Isaac... and of Elijah:

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